Foreign Exchange Settlement

Foreign Exchange Settlement

Directly connected to the foreign exchange market, real-time foreign exchange quotes, zero exchange loss

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  • Real-time exchange rate, zero exchange loss

    Directly connected to financial institutions and foreign exchange market, real-time display of spot foreign exchange prices, transparent policy

    Accurately calculate the amount to the account, zero exchange loss

    Real-time exchange rate No hidden exchange loss
  • Multi-currency support, low risk

    Support the management of overseas funds in major countries and regions around the world, and the mainstream currencies are freely convertible

    Real-time access to offshore exchange rates, avoid exchange rate fluctuation risks as much as possible

    High stability at all times
  • Full-time service Super stable

    7*24 hours technical support, accept your exchange request at any time

    Intelligently select the best financial channel, stable and visible

    全时段 高稳定性

common problem

More questions >
  • Q

    Does it support VAT tax payment and how to do it?


    Support, operation path: payment------VAT tax payment.

  • Q

    What is the order limit?


    The bound store order flow will be updated to the DcWallet platform in real time, and the corresponding order amount will be deducted when the RMB is settled to China.

  • Q

    Do you support withdrawing cash to a corporate account?

