DcWallet Acceptable Use Policy

DcWalletLicensed Use Policy


This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is supplemental to the Terms of Use and should be read together in connetion with your use of our Services. Capitalised terms in this AUP has the same meanings as such terms are given to the Terms of Use.

此Licensed Use Policy(简称“AUP)是对使用条款的补充,应与您使用我们的服务一起阅读。 此AUP中的大写术语具有使用条款中相同的含义。


Prohibited Activities | 禁止的活动

You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws in your use of our Services and all your interactions with us and you must not:


1. Violate any law, statute, ordinance, or regulation (for example, those governing financial services, fraud, sanctions, money laundering and terrorism financing, consumer protections, unfair competition, anti-discrimination or false advertising)

1. 违反任何法律、法规、法令或条例(例如,受监管的金融服务、欺诈、制裁、洗钱和资助恐怖主义、消费者保护、不公平竞争、反歧视或虚假广告)。

2. Infringe our or any third party's copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights, or rights of publicity or privacy.

2. 侵犯我方或任何第三方的著作权,专利权,商标权,商业秘密或者其他知识产权,出版权或隐私权。

3. Act in a manner that is defamatory, trade libelous, threatening or harassing.

3. 以诽谤、贸易诽谤、威胁或骚扰的方式行事。

4. Provide false, inaccurate or misleading information.

4. 提供虚假,不准确或误导性信息。

5. Send or receive what we reasonably believe to be potentially fraudulent funds.

5. 发送或接收我们合理认为有潜在欺诈性风险的资金。

6. Refuse to cooperate in an investigation or provide confirmation of your identity or any information you provide to us.

6. 拒绝配合调查或拒绝提供您的身份信息,或拒绝提供其他应提供给我们的信息。

7. Take any action that may cause us to lose any of the services from our Service Providers, e.g. Internet service providers, acquirers, payment processors, or other suppliers.

7. 采取任何可能导致我们失去服务提供商的服务的任何行动,例如,互联网服务提供商,收单机构,支付处理商或其他供应商。

8. Circumvent any of our policies or determinations about your Global Account such as temporary or indefinite suspensions or other account holds, limitations or restrictions, including, but not limited to, engaging in the following actions: attempting to create new or additional Global Account(s) has been restricted, suspended or otherwise limited; creating new or additional Global Accounts using information that is not your own (e.g. name, address, email address, etc.); or using someone elses Global Account

8. 规避我们对您的全球帐户所做的任何政策或决定,例如临时或无限期暂停或停止、限制其他帐户,包括但不限于从事下列行动:试图创建新的或额外的已受到限制,暂停或以其他方式受到限制全球账户;使用非您自己的信息(例如姓名,地址,电子邮件地址等)创建新的或额外的全球帐户; 或使用他人的全球帐户。

9. Use the Services or website for any illegal, fraudulent or other prohibited activity.  

9. 使用服务或网站进行任何非法、欺诈或其他违禁活动。

10. Operate any business in OFAC-sanctioned countries or regions.

10. 在受美国财政部海外资产控制办公室制裁的国家或地区经营任何业务。

By registering with us, you are also confirming that you will not use our Services to send or receive payments as consideration for or in connection with the following businesses, business activities unless you have received our prior approval.


Prohibited Products List


Any illegal act


Pornographic or obscene audio-visual products, channels and publications


Pornographic or obscene items, adult businesses or adult-related services, including escort services, adult massage, or other adult-entertainment services, adult performer regardless of sexual orientation


Gambling or betting, including lottery tickets, casino gaming chips, off-track betting, memberships on gambling-related internet sites and wagers at races


Illegally sold drugs, alcohol, or drug paraphernalia or other products that present a risk to consumer safety


Internet/mail order pharmacy, pseudo-pharmaceuticals, vitamins and supplements or prescription drugs


Ammunition, firearms, or certain weapons, firearm parts or accessories, certain knives, including but not limited to military or police equipment, regulated under Applicable Law


Illegally obtained proceeds or properties as result of crime


Medical equipment, prescription devices, controlled substances, unapproved drugs, unapproved medical devices;


Hacking services or accessories


Products or services that process pop-ups or contain, promote, reference or link to any spyware, malware, virus, back-door, drop dead device or other program  installation


Crowd funding


Sales of personal information (e.g. identity card information)

个人信息的销售(例如, 身份证信息)

Services or products that infringe on personal privacy (e.g. online activity monitoring)


Items that support pyramid or Ponzi scheme, matrix programs, other get rich quick schemes or certain multi-level marketing programs


Precious metals and rare earth minerals


Cash disbursement from credit funding sources (e.g. credit cards)


Credit repair, debt settlement services, debt elimination, consolidation or reduction services, or other servicing involving the sales of products or services identified by government agencies to have a high likelihood of being fraudulent


Payday loans


Virtual Currencies 


Collection agencies


Bill payment services


Counterfeit goods or currency


Illegal sale of financial information (e.g. bank accounts, bank cards)

非法出售金融信息(例如, 银行账户,银行卡)

Stock and securities


Mutual Funds


Insurance products and services


Financial products and services, including trusts or asset management services, or products and services associated with the sale of travelers checks, money orders or foreign currency


Quasi-cash or stored value, prepaid cards or gift card/certificates


Tax refunds


Transactions by payment processors to collect payments on behalf of merchants


Rebate or cashback services


Illegal or un-registered fund-raising activities


Foreign exchange services or check cashing businesses


Peer to peer (P2P) lending services


Payment by instalments service


Remittance, telegraphic transfer, money order, transmitter and cheque cashing, including businesses that need to register as a money services or currency exchange business


Trading or sale of digital or crypto- currencies (e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin)


Trading or distribution of currency


Counterfeit or replica food products


Tobacco products, e-cigarettes and "vaping" devices and accessories


Pawn services


Services or products that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity


Products or services that are marketed or advertised using deceptive or unfair sales practices


Any other category or payer that DcWallet decides to prohibit, in its sole discretion.



Statement | 声明

We may revise this AUP at any time by posting the updated AUP online in such manner as set forth in the Terms of Use. You will want to check it regularly as it is legally binding on you. If you have any question, you can visit the Payment Platform for help.

我们可以随时修改此AUP,以使用条款中规定的方式在网上发布更新后的AUP。 您将希望定期检查它,因为它对您具有法律约束力。 如果您有任何问题,您可以访问支付平台寻求帮助。


Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy | 违反Licensed Use Policy

If you violate this AUP, we may take actions to suspend, restrict, limit or terminate your use of our Services in accordance with the Terms of Use.
