











本协议部分条款普遍适用于我们所有服务(“通用条款”),而部分条款仅针对某一?服务(“专用条款”)。通用条款见附件A,针对收款服务、货币兑换服务、和支付服务的专用条款分别见附件B C,和D。所有附件均构成本服务协议的一部分。

















附件A  通用条款


以下条款属于通用条款,适用于所有服务。通用条款与专用条款共同成为针对该服务的服务协议(“服务协议”)。“DcWallet, “我们” 均指代具体向您提供服务的协议主体。在服务协议中定义的专用语是服务协议的一部分。

A-1. DcWallet 账户

A-1.1 关于您的DcWallet账户

为了使用我们的服务,您需要先在我们的专用系统上注册一个网络用户账号(“DcWallet 账户”)。通过您的DcWallet账户,您可以享有我们的服务和信息,如关于入账,支出,余额,费用,以及资金结算至您的收益账户(定义见下文)等信息。

A-1.2. 合法性





d)除非另行经过我们的书面同意,否则您必须以您自己的名义使用我们的服务进行交易,不得代表其他第三方。为申请该等同意,您必须向我们提供(i)您所代表的第三方对您的书面授权, (ii)该第三方的身份文件(按我们的要求),以满足合需求。



A-1.3 注册


A-1.4 DcWallet账户的批准/拒绝


A-1.5 登录秘


A-2 关联公司及第三方服务




A-4 结算至受益账户

A-4.1 受益账户

A-4.1.1 “受益账户”指您指定的用于从DcWallet接收资金的银行账户。




A-4.2 结算指令


A-4.2.2 DcWallet收到您的结算指令后,会按照您提交的金额和币种向您的受益账户发起转账,并会预先从转账金额中扣除相关费用。您将自行承担受益账户银行收取的所有费用。

A-4.2.3 DcWallet一经接受您的结算指令,您将不可撤销该指令。除非转账至受益账户错误,您不得将资金再转回给DcWallet

A-4.2.4 DcWallet有权拒绝接受您的结算指令并/或停止执行之前接受的结算指令。在下述情况下,我们可能行使该权利:(i)您的DcWallet余额少于结算指令金额;(ii)受益账户不是正常存续的账户或受益账户信息不正确或不完整;(iii)基于法律合或风险管控等原因。


A-4.3 结算


A-5 服务费和抵扣权

A-5.1 服务费


A-5.2 抵扣


A-6 法律合和限制使用

A-6.1 反洗钱和反恐怖主义融资


A-6.2 限制使用











A-6.3 法庭命令和监管行动


A-7 信息共享


A-8 客户的声明和义务

A-8.1 声明





A-8.2 义务





A-9 免责声明

DcWallet服务按照现状提供。DcWallet, 关联公司,第三方服务商特此声明其就服务不做任何明示或暗示的承诺,包括但不限于适销性、是否适合某一特定用途或目的、侵权等。DcWallet,关联公司及第三方服务商不保证服务是没有错误的,持续或不中断的。您理解您使用我们的服务是您自己的选择,风险由您自己承担。



A-11 无责任




A-11.4 DcWallet及其关联公司通过第三方服务商向您提供服务,您与第三方服务商之间未就该服务达成任何合同关系,第三方服务商不向您承担任何责任或义务。

A-12. 责任限制





A-13 税务报告及支付


A-14 赔偿

A-14.1 您须赔偿,辩护并保证DcWallet,关联公司,各自的董事、执行官员,员工、和代理免予承担,因为您使用DcWallet服务包括但不限于?C

i                    因您违反本协议;和/

ii                  因支付方/收款方,买方,政府相关部门,及其他第三方提起的索赔;



A-15 终止













A-16. 休眠账户



A-17 其他条款

A-17.1 关系


A-17.2 不可抗力


A-17.3 修订


A-17.4 权利义务转让


A-17.5 弃权


A-17.6 可分割性


A-17.7 继续有效


Ÿ   A-5.2 抵扣

Ÿ   A-6.3 法庭命令和监管行动

Ÿ   A-7 信息共享

Ÿ   A-9 免责声明

Ÿ   A-11 无责任

Ÿ   A-12. 责任限制

Ÿ   A-13 税务报告及支付

Ÿ   A-14 赔偿

Ÿ   A-15.3关于终止服务后的资金处置

A-17.8 标题










B-1. 缔约主体


B-1.1 服务组A

如果支付账户凭据由SMARTDOUDOU INC.提供,则我方缔约主体是SMARTDOUDOU INC.。(“服务组A”)

B-2 我们的定位


B-3 支付方支付义务解除


B-4 支付账户凭据


B-5 服务介绍


SMARTDOUDOU INC.向您提供支付账户凭据,以收取货款或服务款。SMARTDOUDOU INC.是您的代理,代您收取资金,在支付账户里保管您的资金,应您的要求,SMARTDOUDOU INC.将该资金兑换成另一种币种,结算至您的指定受益账户,并且/或将资金支付给您基于货物或服务交易,或其他的许可用途的收款方。

B-6 批准的支付方和许可用途


B-7 币种


B-8 电子资金转账方法


B-9 接受收款




C-1. 缔约主体

DcWallet的货币兑换服务,我们的缔约主体是SMARTDOUDOU INC.

C-2 我们的定位


C-3 服务介绍


C-4 币种和汇率


C-5 电子资金转账


C-6 货币兑换指令


C-7 接受货币兑换指令




D-1. 缔约主体

DcWallet的支付服务,我们的缔约主体是SMARTDOUDOU INC.

D-2 我们的定位


D-3 服务介绍


D-4 许可用途


D-5 电子资金转账


D-6 支付指令


D-7 接受支付指令




Thank you for choosing DcWallet as your service provider. Pursuant to the following terms and conditions, DcWallet will provide you with ?C

(i)                  a collection facility to receive payment from payers and remit the funds to you (Inbound Payment Service);

(ii)                a currency exchange service to exchange one currency to another currency (Currency Exchange Service); and

(iii)               a payment facility to make payments to payee (Outbound Payment Service).

In addition to the Terms of Use of this Agreement, the following additional documents apply to your use of the Payment Platform and services and should be read in conjunction with these Terms of Use:

-Privacy Policy

-Cookies Policy

-Use Policy

By opening a DcWallet Account or otherwise using our services, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions that govern the availability and use of our services.

These terms and conditions are written in English. We may translate these terms and conditions to other languages. Any translation to other languages is for convenience only. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between a translated version of these terms and conditions and the English version, the English version will prevail. 

From time to time, DcWallet may amend the terms and conditions under which its Services are offered. Only DcWallet has the right to amend these terms and conditions. We will post the latest revised version of these terms and conditions on our website at vip.dcwallet.com. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know via e-mail or notice via your DcWallet Account before the changes take effect. You are deemed to have received the notice after we have sent the notice to the email address associated with your DcWallet Account or made the notice available through your DcWallet Account. If you disagree with the proposed changes, then you should stop using our services within the designated notice period. Your continued use of our services will be subject to the latest version of these terms and conditions. However, any dispute that arose before the changes will be governed by the version of these terms and conditions that was in place when the dispute arose. These terms and conditions may also be amended if DcWallet and you enter into a separate written agreement to amend these terms and conditions that is signed by authorized representatives of both parties.

Certain terms and conditions apply to all our services (Common Terms) and certain terms and conditions are specific to a service (Service Specific Terms). The Common Terms are as provided in Exhibit A. The Service Specific Terms for our Inbound Payment Service, Currency Exchange Service, and Outbound Payment Service are as provided in Exhibits B, C, and D respectively. All Exhibits constitute part of these terms and conditions of use.

Depending on the service that you use, one or more companies within our corporate group (each a Contractual Entity) may be engaged in providing such service to you. By opening a DcWallet Account to register for a service or by using the service, you and the Contractual Entity (or Contractual Entities), which provides the service, enter into an agreement, which comprises of the Common Terms and the Service Specific Terms applicable to the service. If you register for or use multiple services, you enter into an agreement for each service. By way of example, if you register for or use our Inbound Payment Service and Currency Exchange Service, you enter into an agreement with the Contractual Entity (or Contractual Entities) that provides the Inbound Payment Service to you and you enter into another agreement with the Contractual Entity that provides the Currency Exchange Service to you.

The following chart lists the services, the Contractual Entities engaged in providing the services, and the terms and conditions that apply to the services.


Contractual Entities


Inbound Payment Service


Exhibit A and Exhibit B

Currency Exchange Service


 Exhibit A and Exhibit C

 Outbound Payment Service


 Exhibit A and Exhibit D




The following terms and conditions apply to all our services and, together with the Service Specific Terms applicable to a service, comprise of the agreement that governs the availability and use of such service (Agreement.)  The terms DcWallet, we, us (or in the possessive form ours) refer to the Contractual Entity (or Contractual Entities) that provides service to you. All defined terms in the main body of the DcWallet Terms and Conditions of Use constitute part of this Agreement.

A-1. DcWallet ACCOUNT.

A-1.1.         About Your DcWallet Account.

In order to use any of our services, you must first register for an online user account on our proprietary system (the DcWallet Account).Your DcWallet Account enables you to access our services and information such as information regarding inbound and outbound payments, account balances, fees, and settlement of funds to your Beneficiary Account (defined below).

A-1.2.         Eligibility.

To be eligible to (i) register for a DcWallet Account or (ii) to use our services, you must, at the time of registration and at all times thereafter, meet the following requirements:

(a)    If you are registering for a DcWallet Account as an individual, you must be 18 years or older and have legal capacity to enter into contract with us. If you are registering as a business entity, the business entity must have legal capacity to enter into contract with us and the person registering the DcWallet Account on behalf of the business entity must be 18 years or older and be legally authorized under the business entity’s formation documents and/or the laws of the jurisdiction where the business entity is organized or otherwise authorized by the business entity.

(b)   Our services are intended to enable payments for business/commercial related activities and NOT intended for personal use, including non-business person to person transmission of funds. Therefore, you must be a business entity or individual that use our services in the course of your own business, trade or profession, and not for any non-business purpose.

(c)    You must agree to comply with all terms and conditions in this Agreement and all applicable AML Laws (defined below) and other applicable laws and regulations.

(d)   You must use our services to transact on your own behalf and not on behalf of any other person or business entity, except in cases where you have obtained our written approval. To request  approval to use our services to transact on behalf of another person or business entity, you must (i) provide us with written authorization from the person or business entity on whose behalf you are acting and (ii) provide us with information and/or documentation, as requested by us, regarding the identity of such person or business entity for compliance purposes.


(e)   During the registration process, at all times thereafter, you must promptly update your registration information with us to ensure that such information is accurate and complete.

By registering with us for a DcWallet Account and/or using our services, you state that you meet the eligibility requirements set forth above.

A-1.3.        Registration.

We provide services pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and our policies. We are also required by law to know our customers. During the registration process, we will request that you accept this Agreement and applicable DcWallet policies relating to the use of our services. We have the right to amend this Agreement and DcWallet policies at any time. We will also request that you submit an application with requested information and/or documentation; such information may include, but is not limited to, information on your identity, your business, and the control persons, shareholders, or other ultimate beneficiary owners of the business entity registering for a DcWallet Account. In most cases, the information and/or documentation that you have submitted in your online application will be sufficient for us to review your application. However, in some cases, we may request that you supplement your application with additional information and/or documentation. We may use third party databases and services to assist us in reviewing your application and you agree that we are authorized to share the information and/or documentation you provided with such third parties for identity verification and name and sanctions screening purposes.

A-1.4.         Approval / Denial of Application for DcWallet Account. Your application is subject to our approval. We reserve the right to approve or to deny your application for a DcWallet Account at our sole discretion and for any reason, including but not limited to failure to provide requested information and/or documentation or for reasons related to legal compliance or internal risk management decisions. We will inform you of our decision with respect to your application in writing.

A-1.5.         Login Credentials. 

Upon approval of your application, we will activate your DcWallet Account, which will enable you to access our services on our proprietary online platform using your login credentials, i.e. your username and password. You are responsible for keeping your login credentials safe. You should not disclose your login credential to any unauthorized persons. If you authorize any person to access or use your DcWallet Account, you will be responsible for any transaction conducted by such person.


To provide services to you, DcWallet relies on the services of (i) its corporate affiliates (Affiliates) and (ii) on financial institutions, including banks, payment service providers, clearing networks, and other intermediary financial institutions (Service Providers). You acknowledge that Affiliates may be engaged in providing services to you. Furthermore, you acknowledge that Service Providers facilitate DcWallet in the provision of services to you. No agreement exists between the Service Providers and you with respect to DcWallet’s services. You agree to avoid any direct communication with DcWallet’s Service Providers regarding our services. Any direct contact with a Service Provider regarding DcWallet’s services may result in immediate termination of your use of DcWallet’s services.

A-3. PAYMENT ACCOUNTS. To support its services, DcWallet has established accounts at licensed financial institutions for the purpose of receiving, holding, and transferring funds on behalf of its customers (Payment Accounts).DcWallet is the named holder of the Payment Accounts. You are only authorized to use DcWallet’s Payment Accounts as permitted by DcWallet under the terms of this Agreement. DcWallet holds its customers fund together in its Payment Accounts. DcWallet will account to each customer the amount of funds held by DcWallet on the customer’s behalf. DcWallet Balance means the funds that DcWallet holds in its Payment Accounts on a customers behalf. You can access information regarding your DcWallet Balance using your DcWallet Account. DcWallet is not a bank or a credit institution. DcWallet does not pay interest to you on your DcWallet Balance. You authorize DcWallet to retain any interest that arise your DcWallet Balance (if any). DcWallet’s Payment Accounts do not qualify as deposit accounts as defined by relevant laws and regulations. Funds held in DcWallet’s Payment Accounts are not insured by banking insurance. DcWallet will strictly adhere to applicable requirements to ensure the liquidity and protection of your DcWallet Balance. By using DcWallet’s services, you acknowledge that you assume any risks to your DcWallet Balance due to the lack of banking insurance coverage.


A-4.1.         Beneficiary Account.

A-4.1.1.      The Beneficiary Account is a bank account that youve designated to receive funds from DcWallet.

A-4.1.2.      To bind a Beneficiary Account to your DcWallet Account, you must submit requested Beneficiary Account information to DcWallet. You must ensure that the Beneficiary Account information that you submit is correct and complete. If the Beneficiary Account information is incorrect or incomplete, funds transmitted using such information may be rejected or misdirected. If your funds are rejected due to incorrect or incomplete Beneficiary Account information and need to be resent, you may incur additional financial services charges. Such additional financial services charges will be taken from your funds prior to the transfer of the funds to the Beneficiary Account. If your funds were misdirected due to incorrect or incomplete Beneficiary information, we will take commercially reasonable measures to help you recover the funds. However, you are solely responsible for any funds that cannot be recovered. 

A-4.1.3.      The Beneficiary Account must also be in good standing and able to receive funds. If the Beneficiary Account is not in good standing, fund transfers by DcWallet to the Beneficiary Account may be rejected.

A-4.1.4.      The binding of the Beneficiary Account is subject to review and approval by DcWallet. We have the right to deny your request to bind the Beneficiary Account to your DcWallet Account for legal compliance and risk management reasons. We also have the right to revoke any previously approved binding of the Beneficiary Account.

A-4.2.         Settlement Order.

A-4.2.1.      To transfer available funds in your DcWallet Account to the Beneficiary Account, you must submit a settlement order through you DcWallet Account.

A-4.2.2.      Upon receipt of the settlement order, DcWallet will initiate a transfer of funds in the amount and currency you specified, less any applicable fees, to the Beneficiary Account. You are solely responsible for the payment of any fees charged by the bank of the Beneficiary Account. 

A-4.2.3.      Once DcWallet accepts your settlement order, the settlement order becomes irrevocable by you. Furthermore, unless the funds were transferred to the Beneficiary Account in error, you are not permitted to refund the funds back to DcWallet.

A-4.2.4.      DcWallet has the right to refuse to accept the settlement order and/or to stop the execution of any previously accepted settlement order. We may exercise such right (i) if we find that your DcWallet Balance is insufficient to cover the settlement order; (ii) if we find that the Beneficiary Account is not in good standing or if the Beneficiary Account information is incorrect or incomplete; or (iii) for legal compliance and risk management reasons. Subject to our obligations under applicable AML Laws(defined below) and other applicable laws and regulations, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve issues with the settlement of funds to your Beneficiary Account.

A-4.3.         Settlement.

DcWallet will settle funds to the Beneficiary Account pursuant to the accepted settlement order. You authorize DcWallet to use the services of its Affiliates and Service Providers to facilitate the settlement of the funds. To improve your liquidity, DcWallet may permit the settlement of funds, which have been received by DcWallet on your behalf but not yet credited to the Payment Account, to the Beneficiary Account. Once the aforementioned funds have been credited to the Payment Account, you authorize DcWallet or its Affiliates to apply such funds to the repayment of any funds advanced to you in the settlement process. 


A-5.1.         Service Fee. 

In consideration for DcWallets services, you agree to pay fees for services received (Service Fees). Our Service Fee com.dcwallet.schedule is published on our website and also available through your DcWallet Account. In the event that we adjust the Service Fee com.dcwallet.schedule (including introducing new fees), we will update the Service Fee com.dcwallet.schedule and notify you via email or through your DcWallet Account. You are deemed to have received the notice after we have sent the notice to the email address associated with your DcWallet Account or made the notice available through your DcWallet Account. Your continued use of our services indicates that you accept the fees in the updated Service Fee com.dcwallet.schedule. Furthermore, from time to time, we may offer promotional rates to select qualified customers, in which case the applicable Service Fees will be based on separate written agreement between DcWallet and you. DcWallet has the right to charge the Service Fees prior to or after delivering service to you. You authorize DcWallet to collect payment of the Service Fee due by deducting it from funds received, transferred, or exchanged or by deducting it from your DcWallet Balance. Information regarding the services provided and Service Fees charged are available on you DcWallet Account. If you have any questions, you should contact our customer support.

A-5.2.         Right to Setoff.

DcWallet and its Affiliates have the right to set off from any funds due to you any amount owed to DcWallet by you, including but not limited to any fees payable under this Agreement. You authorize DcWallet to exercise this right by deducting funds from your DcWallet Balance.



A-6.1.         Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing.

DcWallet is subject to the applicable laws of the jurisdictions where it conducts business to combat money laundering and terrorist financing (collectively AML Laws). To comply with such AML Laws, DcWallet has implemented policies and procedures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. DcWallet reserves the right to obtain information and documentation from you, including, but not limited to, that regarding (i) your identity; (ii) the identity of the control persons and beneficial owners of your business; and (iii) your business, including, but not limited to your products and services, business relationships (e.g. counterparties), and the business transaction underlying the transfer of funds or currency exchange (collectively Compliance Information). You agree to provide the Compliance Information requested by DcWallet. DcWallet further reserves the right to obtain information about you, including Compliance Information, from e-commerce marketplaces and payment companies through which you conduct business. You agree to authorize DcWallet to access the aforementioned e-commerce platforms and payment companies and obtain such information. If DcWallet believes that providing services to you would risk the violation of AML Laws, DcWallet has the right, at its sole discretion, to (i) terminate this Agreement; (ii) terminate or suspend your access to your DcWallet Account; (iii) stop or suspend the execution of any transaction or (iv) restrict or deny services to you. 

A-6.2.         Restricted Use.

In connection with your use of DcWallet’s Services, you must NOT -


(i)                  violate any AML Laws;

(ii)                send or receive funds that potentially involve money laundering, terrorist financing, or other illegal activities;

(iii)               send or receive fund to/from to persons or entities in jurisdictions set forth in the Prohibited Country List, as amended from time to time, and incorporated by reference into this Agreement (The Prohibited Country List is published on DcWallet’s website. DcWallet has the right to amend the list at its sole discretion.);

(iv)              violate any other laws of the jurisdictions where you conduct business or engage in unlawful activity, including but not limited to (a) infringing on intellectual property rights; or (b) selling or buying counterfeit goods;

(v)                engage in the transaction of goods or services set forth in the Prohibited Products and Services List, as amended from time to time, and incorporated by reference into this Agreement (The Prohibited Products and Services List is published on DcWallet’s website. DcWallet has the right to amend the list at its sole discretion.);

(vi)              breach this Agreement and any other agreements that apply to you;

(vii)             provide false, inaccurate, or misleading information to us; and

(viii)           refuse to cooperate with us in any investigation or refuse provide information to us regarding your identity and your business.

If DcWallet believes that you have engaged in restricted use, then DcWallet has the right, at its sole discretion, to (i) terminate this Agreement; (ii) terminate or suspend your access to your DcWallet Account; (iii) stop or suspend the execution of any transaction;  (iv) restrict or deny services to you; and/or report you to the relevant government authorities and/or freeze part or all your DcWallet Balance pending further instructions from government authorities.

A-6.3.         Court Order or Regulatory Action. 

DcWallet may be required to withhold, freeze, or release to the government or to another person or entity some or all of your DcWallet Balance pursuant to notice of a court order, regulatory action or other equivalent government process. To the extent permitted by law, we will notify you of these actions. DcWallet has the right to decide on the action to take in response to such notice. DcWallet is not obligated to contest or appeal such court order, regulatory action, or other equivalent government process.



Information and documentation that you provide to DcWallet are subject to our Privacy Policy. This section supplements the Privacy Policy. In the event of conflict between this section and the Privacy Policy, this section controls. Our Affiliates and Service Providers requires certain identity, business, and financial information about you in order to facilitate us in the provision of services to you. Our Affiliates and Service Providers are subject to AML Laws and other laws and regulations of the jurisdictions where they conduct business. As such, they require your information for compliance purposes and to respond to requests by government authorities. Government authorities may also require us to share your information for regulatory, investigative, and other legal purposes. DcWallet is authorized to share your information, including but not limited to Compliance Information, with its Affiliates, Service Providers and Government Authorities. Furthermore, DcWallet is authorized to provide a copy of this Agreement and information about your identity and the business transaction underlying the payment of funds to any payer or payee that request such information.




A-8.1.         Representations.

A-8.1.1.      You state that you meet the eligibility requirement set forth in Section A-1above.

A-8.1.2.      You state that your use of DcWallet’s Services will be in strict accordance with this Agreement and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdiction where you operate or reside, including without limitation any laws or regulations regarding online conduct, acceptable content, and the transmission of data from the United States, E.U, Japan, China (including Hong Kong) or any other country in which you conduct business or reside.

A-8.1.3.      You state that your use of DcWallet’s Services does not breach any agreement between you and any other person or entity, including any agreement between you and the payer or payee. .

A-8.1.4.      You state that your use of DcWallet’s Services will not infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity.

A-8.2.         Obligations.

A-8.2.1.      You are obliged to ensure that the representations in this section remain true not only at the time they were made, but at all times during the term of this Agreement.

A-8.2.2.      You are obliged to communicate promptly to DcWallet regarding any changes to your information and documentation regarding your identity, your contact information, your business ownership and activities, Beneficiary Account, and other information that may affect DcWallet’s delivery of services to you.

A-8.3.         Not Exhaustive.

For clarity, the representations and obligations listed in this Section are not exhaustive. You are subject to all your representations and obligations in this Agreement whether or not the they are specified in this section.



DcWallet’s Services are provided "as is." DcWallet, its Affiliates and its Service Providers hereby disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. DcWallet, its affiliates, and its Service Providers do not make any warranty that our Services will be error free or that access thereto will be continuous or uninterrupted. You understand that you use our services at your own discretion and risk.



With respect to our Inbound Payment Service and Outbound Payment Service, we serve as your agent to receive, hold, and transfer funds. With respect to our Currency Exchange Service, we serve as a service provider to you. Except for our limited roles in the facilitating of payment or currency exchange pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, DcWallet is not involved in underlying transaction between you and the payer or payee. We are not a party to the underlying contract between you and the payer or payee. We also do not act as fiduciary, trustee, or escrow holder on behalf of you or on behalf of the payer or payee.

A-11.         NO LIABILITY

A-11.1.      With respect to any currency exchange, outbound payment, or settlement order, DcWallet and its Affiliates are not liable for claims or any damages of any kind that result from the non-execution or defective execution of the order where such non-execution or defective execution is due to the fact that you have provided information that was inaccurate or incomplete. Furthermore, DcWallet and its Affiliates are not liable for any claims or damages of any kind arising from any failure or delay due to events beyond its reasonable control.

A-11.2.      DcWallet and its Affiliates are not parties to the underlying commercial transaction between you and the payer/payee or any other party. It is your responsibility to perform your obligations with respect to the underlying commercial transaction and to comply with applicable laws and regulations. DcWallet and its Affiliates are not liable for any claims or damages of any kind arising from any underlying commercial transaction between you, the payer/payee, or any other party. 


A-11.3.      DcWallet and its Affiliates are not liable for claims or damages of any kind that arise from action taken pursuant to section A-6 LEGAL COMPLIANCE AND RESTRICTED USE of this Agreement.

A-11.4.      DcWallet and its Affiliates provide services to you using Service Providers. No agreement exists between the Service Providers and you with respect to our services and each of the Service Providers will accordingly have no liability to you.


In no event shall DcWallet or its Affiliates be liable to you for any matter arising from this Agreement, under any theory of contract, negligence, strict liability or other legal or equitable theory, for -

(i)                  any special, incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to any damages resulting from business disruption;

(ii)                the cost of procuring substitute services; or

(iii)               for any amount that exceeds fees paid by you to DcWallet under this Agreement during the twelve (12) month period prior to the cause of action.



You are solely responsible for the reporting and payment to relevant government authorities of all applicable taxes and fees that arise from the underlying commercial transaction in connection with the funds received or sent by DcWallet on your behalf. DcWallet, its Affiliates, and their Service Providers are not responsible for the reporting or the payment of such taxes and fees. In the event that DcWallet, its Affiliates, or their Service Providers are required by government authorities to freeze your funds, withhold taxes or fees from your funds, or make any tax or fee payments for you, you authorize each of them to comply such request and make payment of any taxes or fees using funds held on your behalf.


A-14.1.      You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless DcWallet and its Affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from any and all liabilities, damages, losses, claims, suits, judgments, costs and expenses,

including  reasonable attorney fees, arising out of your use of DcWallet’s services, including but not limited to (i) your violation of this Agreement and/or (ii) any claims by the payer/payee, buyers of your products or services, government authorities or other parties.

A-14.2.      You shall indemnify DcWallet and its Affiliates for any government taxes or fees charged to DcWallet in connection with your business activities. You authorize DcWallet and its Affiliates to recover any such government taxes or fees from fund held on your behalf. This remedy is not exclusive.

A-15.         TERMINATION

A-15.1.      You have the right to terminate the Agreement at any time with or without cause. To terminate the Agreement, you must issue written notice of termination to DcWallet. You are deemed to have issued the notice of termination when we have received the notice. The notice of termination should specify the effective date of termination. If no such date is specified, then the Agreement is terminated when DcWallet receives the notice from you.

A-15.2.      DcWallet has the right to terminate this Agreement and your access to DcWallet’s services at any time with or without cause. To terminate the Agreement, we will send to you notice of the termination via email. You are deemed to have received the notice when we have sent the notice to the email address associated with your DcWallet Account. The notice of termination will specify the effective date of termination. In the most cases, we will set the effective date of termination to be one month from the date of notice. However, in some case, the termination is effective upon the date of notice. Such cases include, but are not limited to the following:


(i)                  upon order by law enforcement, regulatory authorities, court, or other government authorities;

(ii)                we discovered that you have provided false, misleading, incomplete or inaccurate information to us or otherwise acted dishonestly in your dealings with us;

(iii)               you breached this Agreement or any other agreement that you entered into with us;

(iv)              your DcWallet Account has been compromised or for other security reasons;

(v)                we suspect that you have engaged in fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing or other illegal activities;

(vi)              we suspect that you used DcWallet’s services illegally or fraudulently in violation of the laws; or

(vii)             other grounds that we consider appropriate.

A-15.3.      Unless we are prohibited by law from permitting you to withdraw your funds prior to the effective date of termination, you may settle funds to the Beneficiary Account. After the effective date of termination, if there’s any remaining DcWallet Balance, we will make reasonable efforts to contact you to ascertain your instructions with respect to the disposition of the remaining funds by sending notice to you via email. You are deemed to have received the notice after we have sent the notice to the email address associated with your DcWallet Account. If you do not respond within one month of the date of the notice, your funds will be considered unclaimed. We have the right to charge an administrative fee on any unclaimed funds, which will continue to apply and taken from your remaining DcWallet Balance until it is depleted. Unclaimed funds may also be subject to escheatment to the government under applicable law.


A-15.4.      Following the termination of this Agreement, your DcWallet Account would be terminated and you would not be able to access our services. 


A-16.1.      We deem your DcWallet Account to be inactive if you have not used DcWallet’s services for a consecutive twelve months period.

A-16.2.      We will send to you notice that your DcWallet Account has reached inactive status. You are deemed to have received the notice after we have sent the notice to the email address associated with your DcWallet Account. The notice will provide you information on how to re-activate your DcWallet Account and the deadline by which such action must be taken. If you dont take the action required to re-activate your DcWallet Account within one month of the date of the notice, we reserve the right to send you a notice of termination and to terminate this Agreement and your access to our services.


A-17.1.      Relationship. DcWallet and its Affiliates engaged in providing services to you are independent contractors.

A-17.2.       Force Majeure. DcWallet and its Affiliates are not liable for any failure to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement due to reasons beyond their control, which includes but not limited to changes of laws, regulations and orders of any competent authorities, acts of Service Providers, act of God, and breakdown of system or equipment.

A-17.3.      Amendments. From time to time, DcWallet may amend the terms under which its Services are offered. Only DcWallet has the right to amend this Agreement. We will post the latest revised version of this Agreement on our website at www.DcWallet360.com. If we make changes that are material, we will let you know via e-mail or notice via your DcWallet Account before the changes take effect. You are deemed to have received the notice after we have sent the notice to the email address associated with your DcWallet Account or made the notice available through your DcWallet Account. If you disagree with the proposed changes, then you should stop using our services within the designated notice period. Your continued use of our services will be subject to the latest version of Agreement. However, any dispute that arose before the changes will be governed by the version of the Agreement that was in place when the dispute arose. This Agreement may also be amended if DcWallet and you enter into a separate written agreement to amend this Agreement that is signed by authorized representatives of both parties.

A-17.4.       Successors and Assigns.

This Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors and permitted assigns. You are NOT permitted to assign your rights or delegate your obligations under this Agreement without DcWallet’s written consent. DcWallet is permitted assign its rights and delegate its obligations under this Agreement without condition.

A-17.5.      Waiver.

A waiver by either party of any term or condition of this Agreement or any breach thereof, in any one instance, will not waive such term or condition or any subsequent breach thereof.

A-17.6.      Severability. 

If any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement remain in full force, if the essential terms and conditions of this Agreement or each party remain valid, binding, and enforceable.

A-17.7.      Survival.

The following provisions survive the termination of this Agreement:


·         Section A-5.2 Right to Setoff

·         Section A-6.3 Court Order or Regulatory Action

·         Section A-7 Information Sharing

·         Section A-9 Disclaimer of Warranty

·         Section A-11 No Liability

·         Section A-12 Limitation of Liability

·         Section A-13 Tax Reporting and Payment

·         Section A-14 Indemnification

·         Section A-15.3, which relates to the disposition of your funds post termination.

A-17.8.      Captions. 

The descriptive headings of the sections and subsections of this Agreement are for convenience only, do not constitute a part of this Agreement, and do not affect this Agreement’s construction or interpretation. 

A-17.9.   Number and Gender.

Any reference in this Agreement to the singular includes the plural where appropriate, and any reference in this Agreement to the masculine gender includes the feminine and neuter genders where appropriate.

A-17.10.  Governing Language.

This Agreement is written in English. We may translate this Agreement to other languages. Any translation to other languages is for convenience only. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between a translated version of this Agreement and the English version, the English version will prevail.

A-17.11.  Merger.

This Agreement constitutes the final agreement between DcWallet and you. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive expression of the parties agreement on the matters contained therein. All prior and contemporaneous negotiations and agreements between the parties on the matters contained in the Agreement are expressly merged into and superseded by the Agreement. The provisions of the Agreement cannot be explained, supplemented or qualified through evidence of trade usage or a prior course of dealings. In entering into the Agreement, neither party has relied upon any statement, representation, warranty or agreement of the other party except for those expressly contained in the Agreement. There are no conditions precedents to the effectiveness of the Agreement, other than those expressly stated in the Agreement.


The following, together with the Common Terms, comprise the terms and conditions that govern the availability and use of our Inbound Payment Service.


For DcWallet’s Inbound Payment Service, the Contractual Entity (or Contractual Entities) is each company within our corporate group that receive, hold, and/or transfer funds on your behalf. The Payment Account Credential assigned to you determines the Contractual Entity (or Contractual Entities) engaged in providing services to you.


B-1.1. Group A Service Provider. If the Payment Account Credential is provided by SMARTDOUDOU INC., the Contractual Entities are SMARTDOUDOU INC.INC.. (Group A Service Provider). 

B-2.OUR ROLE. DcWallet serves as your agent to receive funds in payment of goods and services on your behalf and to remit the funds to you.


You acknowledge that the receipt of funds by DcWallet on your behalf satisfies and discharges the payer’s corresponding payment obligations to you and that the payer is released from such liability for payment when the funds are received by DcWallet on your behalf and not as of later when DcWallet settles the funds to you.


You may apply for credentials to use our Payment Accounts (Payment Account Credentials) during the DcWallet Account registration process or subsequently thereafter by providing us requested information. Upon our approval of your application, we will provide you with Payment Account Credentials, which you may provide to payers to send funds. Unless otherwise authorized by DcWallet, you are only permitted to use the Payment Account Credentials to receive funds. If you cause any person or entity to debit funds from the Payment Account, without our prior approval, you will be liable to DcWallet for the amount debited.


The following is an overview of DcWallet’s Inbound Payment Service:


B-5.1. Group A Service Provider. 

SMARTDOUDOU INC. provides you with the Payment Account Credentials to receive funds in payment for goods and services. SMARTDOUDOU INC.. serves as your agent to receive the funds on your behalf, to hold the funds in its Payment Account, Upon your request, SMARTDOUDOU INC.. will then convert the funds to another currency, settle the funds to your designated Beneficiary Account, and/or transfer the funds to another payee in payment for goods and/or services or for other permitted purposes.


You are only permitted to use your Payment Account Credentials to receive funds from payers that are acceptable to DcWallet and for the purposes of receiving funds in payment for goods and/or services or other purposes permitted under this Agreement. DcWallet has the right to determine, at its sole discretion, whether to permit funds to be credited to the Payment Account. Funds from non-permitted payers or for non-permitted purposes may be rejected by DcWallet.


You may only use the Payment Account Credentials to receive funds in currency supported by DcWallet. Please note that each Payment Account Credential supports receiving funds in specific currencies. When we assign a Payment Account Credential to you, we will inform you of the currencies that can be received. You are responsible for ensuring that incoming funds is in the currency that can be accepted using the Payment Account Credential. Funds that do not correspond to the currency acceptable using the Payment Account Credential may be rejected or converted to another currency and received into the Payment Account. You are solely responsible for any consequence resulting from the rejection of the funds or the exchange of the funds into another currency, including the payment of any expenses associated with the rejection of the funds or any currency exchange.


You are only permitted to use the Payment Account Credential to receive funds transmitted by methods of electronic fund transfer supported by DcWallet. DcWallet does not accept funds transmitted via cash, checks, debit or credit card for the Inbound Payment Service. Please note that each Payment Account Credential can receive funds sent via specific types of electronic fund transfer. When we assign a Payment Account Credential to you, we will inform you of the types of electronic fund transfer that the Payment Account Credential supports. You are responsible for ensuring that the incoming funds are sent via an electronic fund transfer is supported by the Payment Account Credential. Funds transmitted via an electronic fund transfer that is not supported by the Payment Account Credential may be rejected and additional costs could be incurred. You are solely responsible for any consequence resulting from the rejection of the funds and the payment of any expenses associated with the rejection of the funds.


DcWallet reserves the right to accept or to reject incoming funds, in part or in whole, at its sole discretion at any time. DcWallet has the right to reject the incoming funds for any reason, including the reasons cited in the sections above but also for other reasons, including legal compliance and risk management reasons. DcWallet is not obligated to disclose the reasons for the rejection of incoming funds.

Exhibit C

The following, together with the Common Terms, comprise the terms and conditions that govern the availability and use of our Currency Exchange Service.



With respect to the Currency Exchange Service, the Contractual Entity is SMARTDOUDOU INC..


DcWallet serves as a provider of currency exchange services. 


DcWallet’s Currency Exchange Service exchanges one currency to another currency.


The currencies and exchange rates offered by us, at any time, are available through your DcWallet Account.


For its Currency Exchange Service, DcWallet only accepts funds transmitted via electronic funds transfer. We do not accept funds in cash, check, or debit or credit card.


To use our service, you must issue a Currency Exchange order with us, which must contain the following information, including but not limited to ?C (i) the amount of funds to be exchanged; (ii) the foreign currency purchased; and (iii) acceptance of the offered exchange rate. In addition to the Currency Exchange order, we may request that you provide additional information and/or documentation, including that related to the underlying business transaction.


DcWallet reserves the right to accept or to refuse the Currency Exchange order. DcWallet has the right to refuse to accept the order, including but not limited to, if (i) information in the order is incorrect or incomplete; (ii) you failed to provide the requested information and/or documentation; or (iii) for legal compliance and/or risk management reasons.

Exhibit D

The following, together with the Common Terms, comprise the terms and conditions that govern the availability and use of our Outbound Payment Service.


With respect to the Outbound Payment Service, the Contractual Entity is SMARTDOUDOU INC..


DcWallet serves as your agent to make outbound payments on your behalf.


DcWallet’s Outbound Payment Service transfers funds on your behalf to designated payees in payment of goods and/or services or for other purposes permitted by DcWallet. Pursuant to your Outbound Payment order, DcWallet will transfer funds in the amount and currency you designate from your DcWallet Balance to your designated payee. With the approval of DcWallet, you may also transfer additional funds to DcWallet to increase your available DcWallet Balance.


You are only permitted to use DcWallet’s Outbound Payment Service to send funds to designate payee in payment for goods and/or services or for other purposes permitted by DcWallet.


For the Outbound Payment Service, DcWallet only transfers funds to the designated payee via electronic fund transfer. Furthermore, DcWallet will only accept funds transmitted to DcWallet via electronic fund transfer. We do not accept funds in cash, check, or debit or credit card.


To use our service, you must issue an Outbound Payment Order, which must contain the following information, including but not limited to  - (i) the amount and currency of the funds to be transferred; (ii) the name of the payee; and (iii) the payee’s bank account information. In addition to the Outbound Payment Order, we may request that you provide additional information and/or documentation, including that related to the underlying business transaction.


DcWallet reserves the right to accept or to refuse the Outbound Payment order. DcWallet has the right to refuse to accept the order, including but not limited to, if (i) information in the order is incorrect or incomplete; (ii) you failed to provide the requested information and/or documentation; (iii) if the funds are not for the permitted purposes; or (iv) for legal compliance and/or risk management reasons.